The Klinge Brothers: Ghosts of Texas

Prepare yourself for a captivating journey as they share riveting tales, experiences, and innovative concepts cultivated through their extensive ventures into the fascinating realm of Ghost Hunting.

Australian Paranormal Society

Indulge your passion for the paranormal, whether you’re an avid enthusiast, a devoted investigator, or simply fuelled by curiosity. Embark on an extraordinary evening with the renowned Klinge brothers, Brad, and Barry, hailing from the heart of Texas. Prepare yourself for a captivating journey as they share riveting tales, experiences, and innovative concepts cultivated through their extensive ventures into the fascinating realm of Ghost Hunting.

Uncover the genesis of their paranormal odyssey, tracing back to the initial encounter that ignited their curiosity. Delve into the thrilling narratives born from their exploits during the production of the immensely popular TV series, Ghost Lab, and beyond. This exclusive presentation event promises to unveil the mysteries and insights gleaned from their remarkable adventures.

Join us at the exquisite Cardinia Cultural Centre, where the ambiance is set for an enthralling evening. We extend a warm invitation to all who yearn for an immersive experience in the supernatural. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to witness the Klinge brothers’ revelations firsthand.

Presented by the esteemed Australian Paranormal Society, this event is poised to be an unforgettable exploration into the uncharted territories of the paranormal. Secure your spot now – we eagerly anticipate your presence at this enthralling affair.

Duration: 120 minutes, without interval

Show description: talks and ideas

book now
Dates & times
Friday 28 Jun
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Price range
Group (5+)
Please contact the Box Office for assistance with accessible seating. 
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